Hannah Lockhart
September 16, 2024

How to Consistently Attract More Real Estate Listings Using Listing Leads

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In one of the largest listing attraction experiments in real estate history, 2,500 agents generated 20,000 appointments and closed $7.5 billion in business. 

That’s the power of Listing Leads in action. 

I’m Jimmy Mackin, co-founder of Listing Leads, and today, I’ll walk you through the exact strategies we’ve developed to help agents like you consistently win more listings and build a robust pipeline.

The Real Challenges Real Estate Agents Face

Before diving in, let me give you some context on why we created Listing Leads in the first place. 

During a “100K in 100 Days” challenge with Tom Ferry, we identified three major challenges that every real estate agent faces:

1. Consistency: The “Vicious Cycle” of marketing – where agents market aggressively when they have no listings, then stop when they get busy servicing those listings, only to return to marketing once they’re out of listings again.

2. Quality: Most marketing in the real estate industry is generic and agent-centric, failing to truly resonate with potential sellers.

3. Effectiveness: Many marketing efforts fail to produce measurable results or create meaningful engagement with sellers.

Listing Leads was created to solve these exact problems, providing agents with a reliable way to attract more listings without wasting time or money.

The Three Pillars of Successful Listing Attraction

To overcome these challenges, Listing Leads focuses on three core strategies: consistency, quality, and effectiveness. 

Here’s how you can leverage these strategies to your advantage:

1. Consistency: Stay Top of Mind with a Weekly Plan

Consistency is the backbone of a successful listing strategy. 

That’s why we provide a Weekly Listing Attraction Plan that takes only 15-30 minutes a day. 

The plan includes:

Email Marketing Campaigns: Pre-written templates tailored for different occasions.

Direct Mail Campaigns: Customizable designs that capture attention.

Phone/Text Scripts: Conversation starters to engage your prospects.

Social Media Content: Ready-to-use posts that keep you visible in your market.

By dedicating just a small portion of your day to these activities, you can keep your marketing engine running smoothly, avoiding the stop-and-start cycle that so many agents fall into.

2. Quality: Stand Out with High-Impact Marketing Materials

Generic, “cookie-cutter” marketing doesn’t cut it in today’s competitive market. 

We’ve crafted consumer-focused materials that speak directly to what sellers care about most, positioning you as the trusted expert in your market.

Our Campaign Library offers over 120 campaigns, with new ones added monthly. 

This includes:

• Engaging email templates

• Visually appealing direct mail designs

• Dynamic phone and text scripts

• Compelling social media templates

Whether you have a marketing budget of $500 or $50,000, these resources are designed to help you create high-quality outreach that grabs attention and encourages action.

3. Effectiveness: Use Proven Strategies that Drive Results

Every piece of content in Listing Leads has been tested in the field. 

Our approach is simple: create campaigns that make sellers want to “raise their hands” and express interest. 

To help you do this, we’ve curated a Best Ads Library of over 100 high-performing ad campaigns. Updated weekly, this resource gives you fresh ideas and proven tactics for crafting ads on platforms like Meta and Google.

Maximizing Your Results with Listing Leads

To get the most out of Listing Leads, here’s a step-by-step guide:

1. Follow the Weekly Plan: Commit to the 15-30 minutes of daily activities. Consistency pays off.

2. Leverage the Campaign Library: Utilize pre-built campaigns to maintain quality and save time.

3. Explore the Best Ads Library: Stay inspired by regularly reviewing the latest high-performing ads.

4. Focus on Your Key Audiences: Prioritize outreach to your sphere of influence, prospects, and farm areas.

5. Promote Your Wins: Share success stories, like selling a home above the Zestimate, to build credibility.

By following these steps, you’ll generate more listings and establish a sustainable flow of seller leads that helps grow your business.

Real-World Success: Agents Share Their Experiences

Don’t just take our word for it. Here’s what some of our users have achieved with Listing Leads:

“Thanks to the invaluable tools imparted by Jimmy Mackin and Tom Ferry, I've successfully secured 35 listings in just 3.5 months. In a challenging market, these tools empowered me with the resources to generate $177k in gross commission income.”

Julie Woods

“Let me tell you, the Name Your Price email was a game changer. I received 100's of hand raiser. These tactics aren't just creative, they actually work. I've learned to just do what Tom & Jimmy say.”

– Shawna Kay Martinez

These stories are just a glimpse of what’s possible when you use our platform to its full potential.

Get Started Today with Listing Leads

Ready to transform your listing strategy? Here’s how to get started:

1. Sign Up for a Free Trial: Visit listingleads.com and explore our platform risk-free.

2. Select Your Membership Plan: Choose a plan that fits your needs—monthly, annual, or lifetime.

3. Start with the Weekly Plan: Begin implementing the activities immediately for quick wins.

4. Customize Your Campaigns: Use our templates to reflect your unique brand voice.

5. Use Our Best Ads Library: Get inspired by the best-performing ads and adapt them for your market.

Remember: The agents who see the best results stay consistent. Make Listing Leads a regular part of your business strategy, and watch as your listings and leads grow.

FAQs about Listing Leads

Does Listing Leads work in all markets?

Absolutely. We've tested these strategies from Newport Beach to Shreveport, from high-end markets to starter home neighborhoods. Great marketing just works.

Do I need a big budget?

Not at all. Start with small, personalized campaigns and scale up as you grow.

Can I get support if I need help?

Of course. Just email support@listingleads.com and our team will be happy to assist you.

Conclusion: Consistency, Quality, and Effectiveness – Your Key to More Listings

By leveraging Listing Leads’ proven system, you can consistently generate more seller leads, secure more listings, and elevate your real estate business to new heights. 

Ready to get started? Let’s go get some listings!

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