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Don’t wait until you secure the listing to start building relationships with the neighbors.
Here’s a technique to implement as soon as you book the listing appointment:
1. Build a list of nearby homes using a tool like Propstream.
2. Enrich the list with contact information (skip tracing).
3. Use the following script to make calls and send personalized emails.
If the first time the neighbors hear from you is when you’ve sold the home, you’re missing valuable opportunities.
By consistently engaging with neighbors at each stage of the listing process, you’re doing more than selling a home—you’re building your listing pipeline.
This strategy can effectively transform one listing opportunity into two or three additional ones.
Don’t wait until you secure the listing to start building relationships with the neighbors.
Here’s a technique to implement as soon as you book the listing appointment:
1. Build a list of nearby homes using a tool like Propstream.
2. Enrich the list with contact information (skip tracing).
3. Use the following script to make calls and send personalized emails.
If the first time the neighbors hear from you is when you’ve sold the home, you’re missing valuable opportunities.
By consistently engaging with neighbors at each stage of the listing process, you’re doing more than selling a home—you’re building your listing pipeline.
This strategy can effectively transform one listing opportunity into two or three additional ones.
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