
Listing Appointment Script

Phone & Text Scripts
Phone & Text Scripts

Listing Appointment Script


Don’t wait until you secure the listing to start building relationships with the neighbors.

Here’s a technique to implement as soon as you book the listing appointment:

1. Build a list of nearby homes using a tool like Propstream.

2. Enrich the list with contact information (skip tracing).

3. Use the following script to make calls and send personalized emails.

If the first time the neighbors hear from you is when you’ve sold the home, you’re missing valuable opportunities.

By consistently engaging with neighbors at each stage of the listing process, you’re doing more than selling a home—you’re building your listing pipeline.

This strategy can effectively transform one listing opportunity into two or three additional ones.

How to Execute

Step 1

Canva Template
Canva Template

Hi [First Name],

My name is [Your Name], I'm a real estate agent with [Your Team].

I know you're not expecting my call right now but the reason I'm reaching out is because I'm actually meeting with one of your neighbors on Tuesday at 1pm to discuss selling their home.

I'm calling around the neighborhood because I'm offering a free home equity update while I'm in the area to folks who are exploring the idea of selling.

I'm not sure if it's for you but I'm happy to swing by after my appointment and provide some insight on how much you could get for your home in today's market.

Would that be something you'd be interested in?

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Step 2


Target Audience
Step 1

Record the Video

Show Flow
Guided narration script for the video.
Audio Transcription of Show Flow
AI-generated representation of the intended sound flow.
Step 2

Create Your Thumbnail

Canva Template
Canva Template
Step 3

Post Your Video

Video Title & Description
Copied to Clipboard
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Video Walkthrough
