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How does your area rank?

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How does your area rank?

I just wrapped up an analysis of our area to better understand how each neighborhood compares.

Here’s the breakdown of my research:

  • [Neighborhood 1]: $[Price 1]. Up [Percentage 1]%
  • [Neighborhood 2]: $[Price 2]. Up [Percentage 2]%
  • [Neighborhood 3]: $[Price 3]. Up [Percentage 3]%
  • [Neighborhood 4]: $[Price 4]. Up [Percentage 4]%
  • [Neighborhood 5]: $[Price 5]. Up [Percentage 5]%
  • [Neighborhood 6]: $[Price 6]. Up [Percentage 6]%
  • [Neighborhood 7]: $[Price 7]. Up [Percentage 7]%
  • [Neighborhood 8]: $[Price 8]. Up [Percentage 8]%
  • [Neighborhood 9]: $[Price 9]. Up [Percentage 9]%
  • [Neighborhood 10]: $[Price 10]. Up [Percentage 10]%

As always, I want to make sure you’re informed and up-to-date on what’s happening in our area.

If you have any questions, I’m here for you!

P.S. I’ll be calling around the [Neighborhood A], [Neighborhood B], and [Neighborhood C] neighborhoods next week for homes between $[Price Range Low] and $[Price Range High] for my buyers. If I come across any potential deals, would you like me to let you know?

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This market analysis email is based on a highly successful Instagram video that garnered 600,000 views! By sending this detailed breakdown of property values and growth trends in key neighborhoods to your database, you can engage your database with easy-to-digest local market trends. 

The P.S. is also irresistible :)

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Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

Step 6

Step 7

Step 8

Step 9

Step 10

Step 11

Step 12

Step 13

Step 14

Step 15

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Email Campaigns

How does your area rank?