
Exclusivity Ends in 24 Hours

Email Campaigns

Exclusivity Ends in 24 Hours


When you have a Coming Soon listing and you hit the 24 hours before it goes live, send this email.

Here's why it works so well:

1. It creates urgency. The goal of the subject line, "Exclusivity ends in 24 hours" is to get as many people to open the email as possible.

2. It piques curiosity. Share some info, but not all the info. Share one photo (the "money shot") but not all the photos.

3. It has a strong CTA. Don't drive them to a website. Get them to call.

How to Execute

Step 1

Canva Template
Canva Template

Exclusivity Ends in 24 Hours


But per the MLS guidelines, I only have 24 hours to share this home with you before everyone can access it on Zillow.

For location, price, and details, call my personal cell: 555-555-5555.

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Step 2


Target Audience
Step 1

Record the Video

Show Flow
Guided narration script for the video.
Audio Transcription of Show Flow
AI-generated representation of the intended sound flow.
Step 2

Create Your Thumbnail

Canva Template
Canva Template
Step 3

Post Your Video

Video Title & Description
Copied to Clipboard
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Video Walkthrough


Video Guide