
Email of the Week

Email Campaigns

Email of the Week


This week's email campaign is designed to help you keep your clients informed about current market trends and generate high-quality, warm seller leads. 

By providing timely and relevant information, you can build trust and establish yourself as knowledgeable professionals. The personalized offer for a custom home value report encourages engagement, making it easier for you to connect with potential sellers.

How to Execute

Step 1

Canva Template
Canva Template

Is your home’s value going up or down?


Hi [Recipient's Name],

Zillow recently updated its home price forecast, predicting a 3.5% increase in U.S. home prices between December 2023 and December 2024. 

This mirrors the 3.2% growth we saw in 2023.

While the days of double-digit appreciation are a thing of the past, and we're heading towards a market with low single-digit growth, every home in every market is unique.

If it’s been a while since you’ve checked your home’s value, I’d recommend a professional equity report. 

You'll receive:

  • A detailed breakdown of recent sales
  • An accurate valuation tailored to your property

There’s no cost or obligation.

We offer this as service to our clients to keep them informed on what’s happening. 

Just reply to this email with your address, and I’ll prepare one for you today. 

Looking forward to helping you

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Step 2


Target Audience
Step 1

Record the Video

Show Flow
Guided narration script for the video.
Audio Transcription of Show Flow
AI-generated representation of the intended sound flow.
Step 2

Create Your Thumbnail

Canva Template
Canva Template
Step 3

Post Your Video

Video Title & Description
Copied to Clipboard
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Video Walkthrough


Video Guide