I can always tell if the paint job in a home features a higher-end quality paint or a cheap flat option.This distinction matters significantly because, once the home starts to be lived in, the differences become evident.Higher-quality paints resist scuffs and stains, making it easier to maintain a fresh appearance over time. In contrast, lower-quality paints often show marks and dirt more readily, and those blemishes can be much harder to remove.It’s interesting how the choice of paint not only affects the initial aesthetic but also plays a crucial role in the home’s longevity and ease of upkeep, reflecting the care and consideration put into creating a welcoming space.I always try to point out things like that whenever I touring a home with my clients. This can help prepare them ahead of time, and avoid more money spent later down the road.What is something you notice when you first walk into a home? 👇🏼#paint#newconstruction#buying#selling#pointofview#pointitout#trend#build#grow