Open houses aren’t done to help sell your home but to potentially gain more listings for the potential agent.I have only sold ONE house from an Open House lead. And this took a months to cultivate!!Many buyers in today’s market have a buyers agent or they really are in the beginning stages of looking.If an open house is done correctly, the agent is doorknocking the neighborhood and using a specific script to invite people to the open house.“We are doing an open house this weekend from 2 to 4 and we know that this home is only going to work for one buyer, we still have a ton of buyers looking to be in this neighborhood, so would you consider selling?”This could potentially lead to another listing in the neighborhood if that seller has considered selling before.It’s also brand recognition when your sign is in a neighborhood and other neighbors continue to drive by the home and see your sign. If they don’t have a realtor, they might reach out to you since you already know the neighborhood.I do at least ONE open house for most of my listings and am mowing educating my clients on this same situation. By addressing this topic ahead of time, alleviates any thoughts around this topic if we’re still on the market past 30 days.No matter what an open house is great to showcase your listing, but it’s not always going to be the reason why you’re home will sell.Is this something that you knew? If so, comment below..truly curious 🤔#openhouse#realtortruth#honesty#conversations#sellyourhome