
Email of the Week

Email Campaigns

Email of the Week


In today's dynamic real estate market, keeping your clients informed is crucial for maintaining strong relationships and positioning yourself as their go-to advisor. By regularly sharing timely and relevant market insights, you can ensure you stay top of mind with your clients. This proactive approach not only demonstrates your expertise but also helps you generate high-quality inbound leads, as clients will appreciate the value you provide and are more likely to reach out when they're ready to make real estate decisions.

How to Execute

Step 1

Canva Template
Canva Template

Why Are More Homeowners Selling Now?


Hey [Client Name],

I came across an interesting statistic that I thought you’d find valuable:

American mortgage holders now carry only 48% loan-to-value on their homes, down from 70% a decade ago.

This means homeowners have significantly more equity in their properties than they did ten years ago.

Coupled with the rising cost of homeownership, many sellers are exploring the idea of selling for a more sustainable and comfortable living.

If new inventory continues to rise at this pace, we could potentially see an impact on future value growth.

I thought this information might help you better understand the current market dynamics.

As always, I’m here if you have any questions.

[Your Name]

PS. If you're interested in knowing more about your own home's value, reply to this email and I can send you a detailed home value report.

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Step 2


Target Audience
Entire Database
Step 1

Record the Video

Show Flow
Guided narration script for the video.
Audio Transcription of Show Flow
AI-generated representation of the intended sound flow.
Step 2

Create Your Thumbnail

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Canva Template
Step 3

Post Your Video

Video Title & Description
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Video Walkthrough


Video Guide